Monday, January 24, 2005

I think I am getting more stupider every passing year!

I tell ya, I used to fancy myself as a bit of a smarty-pants, but these days I'm not so sure.

I cannot for the life of me figure out how to post a photo in my profile! I mean, come on now, it can't be THAT hard. But here I am, unable to figure it out.

Just last night, at the Mars, I was smoking and talking to my friend Tom, when a bit of the cherry from my cigarette fell onto the bar. So I tried to pick it up with my fingers! Sheesh. Well, yes, I did burn my hand.

Then there was the drunken wrestling with a boy. I have big bruises all over.

Do they make any pills for this ailment?

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Hmmmm..... I guess I'll see how I like doing this.

I am still a bit miffed that I couldn't use annetastic in my address, but hey, I'll get over it soon enough.

I am really hoping that I do not become addicted to this as well. It's hard enough getting the dishes done with tribe always looming nearby, begging me to type some nonsense into it. *sigh* I need to learn to be strong. Awww, who am I kidding? I love to chat! I'm good at it.