Saturday, August 04, 2007

I do not like tequila!

I do not like it one bit. Well, I like it at the time, but I never can drink it without a hangover the next day. I actually got sick at work! That is NOT good!

No more going out for drinks on Fridays! Not even one, 'cause that always leads to two, which then leads to bad judgment and more drinks. I am now grounded on Fridays.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Going to Harry Potter!!!!!


The fella just needs to get out of bed and join me!

Sunday, July 22, 2007

For someone who talks so damned much, I really have a hard time blogging!

I think I am going to try this again. I always say that, don't I? Hahaha!

Anyhoo, Since it's been a year (about) since I got fired and my life kinda got turned upside-down and backward. I am trying extra hard now to right it. I've made lists of fun things that I need to do, both with other people, as well as more alone shit, as I now have more alone time (rats!). It's a fucking fun list! I can't wait to get working on it. I've already done a few of the things, like make these cool shelves for my kitchen, and I'm going to see Harry Potter tomorrow.

One thing that I want to do I am really excited about! I've wanted to go here for so long and it's right down the street! Funny how depression can keep you from doing the simplest of things! I just need to force myself to have fun. That sounds so strange, but it's true!

I realized the other day that for the past 2.5 years, I have been surrounded by a shitload of seriously bad things. Most of it didn't happen to me directly, but to people that I love and care for, and sometimes that can be almost as bad as if it happens to you. No wonder I've had such a hard time. Then on top of that, I found out that some of my "friends" were not so much friends as they were my audience and when the show stopped being happy and fun, they turned it off and walked away. Oh well. A good way to find out, right? Still, it bummed me out, and I am on my way to moving past that as well. I mean, yeah, I had some nerve being grumpy and upset after getting fired, I know. Sheesh! hahahaha!

So yeah, I need to let all of this bad shit go, and have fun again, and BE fun again. I like that me a ton better.

Wish me luck, yo!

Oh yeah, and I lightened up the color on this thing too. I love black and all, but maybe, just maybe, I could go a shade or five lighter once in a while? Hee!