Saturday, February 11, 2006

Valentine's Day

Oh, here it is again. All of those awful jewelry commercials that show women being pissed at their husband's for not buying their presents at the right store. Sit-coms about men not doing the right thing and then getting in big trouble with their wives and girlfriends, only to have to crawl on his knees and swallow the last shred of dignity to make her let him sleep in the bed again.

Why is this holiday made to be such a power struggle? I mean, when did love become about how to make people do what you want them to do?

These ads and shows just make me very happy to be single on Valentine's Day.

When I used to be in a couple, I'd get in trouble every year for doing things "the wrong way". It isn't about how you show your love for someone anymore, it's about how you are told to show your love for someone. Um...I don't like that.

I want to come up with a new holiday! This will be a holiday celebrating the people who can function just fine as single people. I don't want it to be about how bitter single people are, but how fun it can be. Celebrating freedom, if you will.

It's only fair. I mean, besides Valentine's Day-NYE, Christmas, and Thanksgiving cater most to, and are commercially directed to couples and those with families. Those holidays can make the single person feel even more alone than they do on regular days.

So, from here on out, on March 3rd, buy your single friends presents, or cocktails. Send them cards, make them dinner. Whetever you want to do for them. This is OUR day! :)

Now I just need to come up with a catchy name for it!

1 comment:

Harpy Mandrake said...

You know, even though I have a tattoo of that very corazon, I agree with you 100%. Screw those commercials for diamonds!