Monday, March 27, 2006

Online dating is weird!

I signed up for an online dating site last August. It's been very strange, yet sort of fun. Still, I don't know if it is really for me.

The first guy that I met up with had lied about his age by 10 years. Said he was 38 and he was actualy 49. Had he been honest with me, I still might have considered dating him, who knows, but the fact that he lied about his age and posted 15 year old photos leads me to believe that he is not comfortable with himself nor his age.


After that, nobody wrote to me at all for about two months.

Over the next few months, I would sporatically go on a date or two, some I liked, others I didn't, but nothing stuck. Still, it's fun.

Then the super freaky weird guy came along. An hour into it, he tried to kiss me. I told him no, and he tried to manipulate me by crying! That didn't work, so he told me that he just found out that day that his father has cancer! When that didn't work, he got a little angry and told me that nobody had ever rejected him in all of his 38 years. Yeah. Right. It was awful! I seriously was expecting Candid Camera to come out and tell me that I'd been gotten! Nope. This guy was for real.

This only happened under a week ago. I have another date today, but I'm still weirded out by the other guy. That's not fair to this guy. I need to just suck it up, and go have a good time.

I really with there was another way to meet men in Seattle, but it seems that they don't ask women out in person. Only online. Very strange times, these.


Megan Lynch said...

What's wrong with those Seattle men? You're hotter than a supernova, Anne!

My condolences on meeting two super-l00zers so far...

the beige one said...

Y'know, Anne, it might help to get rid of the roving mariachi band that makes with the fanfare any time a guy comes up to say hello.

god knows it took me a while to get used to it.

"Hey An-"


Cielito Lindo was never one of my faves.

annetastic! said...

Yes, the mariachi band is a bit intrusive, I guess. I'll make a note of that!

My date today was fun. We'll see what happens. At least he didn't cry! :)